Our Story

Chad Hostetler, Principal 

For nearly three decades Chad has served as innovator, strategist, idea guy, solver, implementer, collaborator and partner in excellence to some of the most successful organizations and brands in the world like The Walt Disney Company, Adobe, and PwC. He is passionate about working with nonprofits as well and bringing the best thinking of the business world to help solve their challenges.

His work always begins with the end: What do we want to accomplish? What do we want people to say as they walk out the door? What’s our future story of success? Then he designs every thoughtful detail and experience along the path to that result.

Most challenges require more than one discipline to solve – they need “AND” thinking, not just “OR” thinking. “AND” is an excellent summary of Chad's skillset. “AND” is where innovation lives, and he helps organizations find it.

Chad is a champion for possibility and potential. That unquenchable creative energy and continual attention to detail means organizations consistently seek out his creative concepts and collaborative design skills for unique solutions to almost any challenge you can imagine. He is particularly passionate about experience design and has always enjoyed the hospitality industry. 

Chad has started and matured several companies and is an entrepreneur who is always looking for the next opportunity to take an organization to the next level. 

Jay Hunsberger, Principal 

A warm, empathetic problem-solver, Jay Hunsberger brings his focused approach - honed by a 30-year career as a classical musician - to every project. He arrives at this moment as a gifted leader and connector. Highly self-motivated, Jay moves easily between steering and being part of the team. He has a strong, intuitive grasp of the big picture and loves to connect the dots. He has a talent for navigating both the high-level vision and the small details that these are built upon. Jay’s discipline and creativity garnered accolades on stage in Sarasota, Florida, performing and teaching around the country and the globe, as an award-winning recording artist, and as an instrumental figure – pun intended! – in the creation of new music.

In 2018, Jay shifted into the world of boutique, luxury wine sales and hospitality. Now based in Sonoma, California, Jay oversaw virtually all aspects of running a small business. Yet, the core of his work remained the same: nurturing the client journey, creating connections, and telling a compelling story. Jay is a gifted steward of relationships and his level of high-touch customer care translated into strong sales and, more importantly, customer retention and brand enthusiasm.

Jay is an avid reader and a thoughtful, creative writer. Design – visual, conceptual, aural – holds a strong place in his world. Living life with intention and helping others to do the same are fundamental to his approach.

A lifelong learner and innovator, Jay is passionate about helping nonprofits, family foundations, and arts organizations. With humor and grace, Jay strengthens organizational bonds, builds bridges, connects donors to needs, maximizes impact, and unlocks the potential of people and groups.